By Dendy Media

Today we’d like to introduce you to Dr. Ana Everett.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I have been in business for more than 20 years and have successfully supported many organizations across industries to build their capacity and to help them grow exponentially. I believe I am gifted in the area of business development and identifying the resources required to support sustained growth for non-profits and for public and private sector clients. I have assisted businesses over the years in gaining more than $4B in resources at face value; meaning the value is far greater; when you evaluate the long-term financial benefits to our economy and the social impact my contributions have had on the organizations. I took that experience and began to self-perform in areas we developed competencies and SolutionsAe, Inc. was born. I believe I am where I am today because of my children and GOD’s purpose for me. I am the mother of eight children, and I have seven grandchildren, so I am motivated in all my work to improve society. I believe that creating and supporting business growth is key to improving our economy and society. As such I am a serial social entrepreneur so my business efforts are not solely driven by profits or one industry for me to be involved there must be a greater social benefit: like long-term job creation for a low-skilled workforce. My sweet spot is working with churches. I have worked with some of the greatest leaders in the faith community and helped them in a variety of economic development initiatives. I am a Christian.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

I have faced many challenges along the way. I have 8 children and have been a mother since I was 16 and on welfare. I have kids from different men. A poor education although there are worse options for education; I was lucky and didn’t realize it at the time. I have been involved or exposed to all things wrong in our society from substances to abuse at many levels. I had minimal support from any of my children’s fathers some more involved than others but never a healthy relationship. So, I did whatever I needed to do ensure that they had what they needed. I always included advancing my education in the mix of whatever I had to do. Education is supposed to be the great equalizer and my PhD has certainly helped me to advance in my business pursuits. I am intimately familiar with the cycle of poverty and abuse and its intended outcome. Although my experiences do not seem as bad as others in hindsight growing up was painful, but I had two parents who loved me no matter what choices I made. My poor choices made life more challenging as is always the case. It was at the point that I understood who GOD IS that my power and my amazing began to show. I trust GOD in everything now. I go to him for everything. I still have obstacles and challenges, but life is so much better. HE is my validation.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I specialize in business development and pulling the necessary resources together to accomplish whatever the end game is for individuals or organizations. I plan, execute, and measure my success in my ventures and the ventures I help to facilitate for others. I am really good at finding money or helping people to get access to it and that makes me really popular. People come to me because I try to keep what is complex at times simple and I am easy to get along with in spirit. I love to work, and I am passionate about any endeavor I am involved. Again, I am not motivated simply by profit or money so it’s the combination of creating a reciprocal benefit that motivates me in business. Helping others achieve their goals and to influence successful outcomes is both exciting and rewarding at so many levels especially when poor people benefit as a result.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

Trust GOD in all things and love whatever you do.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success to me means that what I have accomplished is pleasing to GOD.

What’s next for you?

I am currently positioning myself to become the greatest philanthropist in the world. I am beginning to study “giving it all away” and learning how to ensure that the wealth that I am creating today last for generations to come and helps to serve community needs long-term. My goal is to help underwrite churches and their community efforts and ensure that they have what they need long-term to feed, educate, house, train, provide healthcare, employ, and spiritually uplift individuals in poor communities. Our GOOD FOR US – VISA Card and Wallet Program will help me to create a vehicle for on-going funding to support faith-based organizations continue their good deeds in the community as all of our business endeavors in the coming years will help to advance the kingdom. We currently have a development project with a church in Raleigh that we are supporting, working with a hedge fund group in supporting countries that look like me to spur their economies, we have our SAE COVID health-care initiatives as result of COVID-19 in partnership with several churches; and our Building Change Highway & Road Construction programs that is expanding and will help to provide great jobs and opportunities around the country. So, a lot is next.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.

To reach me you can write Dr. Ana Everett – CEO SolutionsAe, Inc. 1954 Airport Road Chamblee, Georgia 30341 or email or schedule a meeting by calling 888.562.4441 Ext. 813.

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