By Dendy Media

Today we’d like to introduce you to Rachel D Greenwell.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I’ve overcome addiction trauma and multiple mental illnesses.

Meditation and metaphysical principles saved my life.

Attending support groups, I realize that I was great at helping other people overcome the same challenges.

I started a YouTube channel in 2016.

I had a handful of followers and a huge dream to do my part and changing the world.

I knew that I had a calling on my life to help people in a massive way and I knew that I needed to create a platform for myself where I could be seen.

I didn’t know what was in store for me or what it would lead to. But I just began using YouTube Instagram and Facebook to create motivational and inspirational content every single day.

During the time that I begin my YouTube channel I was working in mental health organizations as a peer support specialist.

But I felt really limited in this role.

My boss at the organization told me that I could be like Tony Robbins and then he saw something in me.

I knew who Tony Robbins was, but I didn’t know what he did exactly.

I googled Tony Robbins online and learned that he was a life coach.

I then googled what does it take to be a life coach and I found that it was actually pretty simple to become one.

I signed up for a life coaching certification and re-branded my entire online presence as a life coach.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

My biggest challenge in moving from the peer support specialist at the mental health organization to working for myself and my own business was definitely my sense of self worth.

Confidence was always a problem for me. Not believing in myself having self doubts and negative self talk kept me down my entire life.

I actually found that I was low self-worth was the root to all of my other issues such as addiction and anxiety.

I do I needed to love myself more because all of the self-help books gurus and teachers that I followed preached about self love. And I definitely had a poor relationship with myself.

The only problem was nobody told you exactly how to do this.

My biggest challenge has been The journey of learning all about self love and how to actually implement that into my life. It has been the challenge of going from “I hate myself “ to “I love myself” and then to I love myself so fully that I am willing to go after my dreams.

Other challenges are breaking out of systems and the safety net of 9 to 5 jobs it is really difficult especially as a mother to move from the system that made me feel so safe to working on my own.

Scary to take that leap of faith into working for yourself full-time as an entrepreneur.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I would have to say my specialty is self-worth and rebirth. Whereas I don’t like the nets down because I really do feel like I have so much to offer anybody who struggles with any kind of issue. I feel like we are all going through something and overcoming some kind of challenge and what I like to call the “human condition”

But definitely my specialties are self worth which is the topic of my first book How to wear a Crown: a practical guide to knowing your worth

How many of my clients come to me after reading my book and really want to dive deeper into self exploration and south love one on one with me.

And my other area of specialty is rebirth.

I’m definitely one of those people who rose from the ashes like a phoenix. And man do I know how to make a beautiful life out of the most horrible conditions.

And I tend to attract the type of clients that other providers and coaches hate to work with. The ones that maybe some kind of other provider would consider a lost cause or too difficult to work with those other people I love. I get them. Addiction, trauma, mental illness ,the works. I understand.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

My best advice for anybody who wants to find success in their life that’s reading this is you have to know your worth if you don’t believe in yourself nobody else well. Nobody’s coming to rescue you know Superman is going to drop down out of the sky and then fly you to all of your wildest dreams coming true only you can make that happen.

And I think that as long as you decide that your definition of success is the way that you feel internally and that if you’re happy inside that you have a good relationship with yourself then that’s a super achievable thing and you can feel successful every single day of your life.

I think that success isn’t a competition between you and the world it’s a competition between you and yourself.
It’s you being able to meet your own personal goals and be able to say every day that you’re better today than you were yesterday.

I think that success is being able to lay your head down at night and have peace in your heart and peace in your mind and be able to speak kindly to yourself and believe it 100%.

If you have that kind of relationship with yourself…you can be your own best friend and you can be your own coach inside your head your own biggest cheerleader than anything you want to create anything that you want to make happen in the external world can 100% come to fruition.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success to me it’s just being OK with myself at the end of the day it’s having that sense of self-worth to where no matter what happens I’m good. Knowing that no matter what happens I have my own back and then I can come back from any. Of life‘s trespasses and that I can always rise again no matter what it’s a state of mind to me it’s an energy in a way of being and it’s a lifestyle.

I think a lot of people make success about certain things and achievements getting certain possessions and things like that.

But it’s way more about your internal world and the way that you feel about yourself in the way that you feel about your life and how you live and the choices that you make and what you make out of the things that are given to you.

What’s next for you?

What’s next for me I feel like it is so limitless.

I’m wrapping up the online course that accompanies the book how to wear a Crown. It’ll guide all of the students through all of the actionable steps in the guidebook part of the book.

So that’s really exciting. And my online school I am Rock L Academy has some other things available on it that I think will be the most exciting course yet.

I have several other book ideas. That of course will come with online courses to go with them too.

I’ve been doing my podcast from rock-bottom to bad ass and I’ve met some of the most amazing people and it has been the most fun experience and I think a lot of what’s coming next it’s just filling up a lot of spots with more and more people that I get to have these amazing connections with and listen to peoples stories and create just some awesome awesome free continent for people all over the world.

I’ve got some fun things in the mix with like creating some merchandise like motivational and inspirational shirts and clothing and I think that’ll be really fun.

But yeah I think whatever comes next week just be more fun more joy more abundance more connection I’m just really making the most out of life and creating the best products and content for all of my amazing followers.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.

People can find me at

They can find me @iamrockl on all the social medias

They can listen to my podcast from Rockbottom to bad ass on all your favorite podcast platforms and on YouTube

And you can grab a copy of my book How to Wear a Crown a practical guide to know when your work on Amazon

And then of course you can just kind of Google I am Racquel or Rachel D Greenwell and you should find links to all the stuff.

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