Today we’d like to introduce you to Carmen Mora.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I Moved to the United States freshly graduated from Law School. In order for me to be able to practice law, I had to go back to school and study 2 more years to be able to sit for the Bar Exam. This required an investment that I could not afford to make at the time since I had moved here my family and they needed my support. I started working as a waitress in a big hotel in Puerto Rico. My performance and relentless passion for learning everything about hospitality led to my promotion to Assistant restaurant manager in one year and Restaurant manager 8 months later. This is where I met one of the most brilliants minds, Cherif Medawar, who at the time, was the Assistant General Manager for the hotel and showed me that even though he was earning a very nice salary, most of his income came from his personal investments and other business ventures. I knew I had to learn more about business, So I did. I asked for a transfer and moved my family to Florida, Bought a Commercial Cleaning franchise. Became a Master Franchisor and Sold it for a Quarter Million Dollars in 4 years, then founded a Real Estate Investment Firm and a Contracting Firm with my husband; after that, I decided to use my business and life knowledge to teach others how to master their minds so they can achieve their dreams and live life by their own design.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

Yes, Indeed. Challenges helped build experience and knowledge. I welcome failure since it is the only way to appreciate success. First, I had very little business knowledge in general. Yes, I had a Juris Doctor degree, but that is law, not business. I did have a very good credit score at the time and that helped somewhat, however not knowing a lot about marketing, business credit and even creating a business plan took a toll on my business growth. I knew my weaknesses and I also knew that it was up to me to overcome them by either learning more or hiring people smarter than me on those areas. I did both. On a personal level, moving here with just my 2 little daughters( 9 and 11 at the time) and no family at all was a tough juggling act.

In the beginning, I had to keep my full-time job so I would work on my business while they were sleeping, then take little naps during the day while taking care of customers, hiring employees, cooking their meals, and implementing mail marketing campaigns to increase customer base.

The business was going great until I had to take a business loan and realized that my credit score had tanked. My ex-husband filed Bk and our home, which he kept, was still showing on my credit. Needless to say, I had to become very creative and access secondary sources of money that didn’t carry the best rates, while building business credit fast.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I implement a holistic approach in helping my clients. We work to remove and replace the ingrained limiting beliefs and act as accountability partners. We are the sum of all our experiences, past and present. Oftentimes is our past experiences that control our present behavior. We believe we are in control. That is very arguable. Our paradigms keep a very thigh leash on what we can achieve. Unless we make conscious and constant decisions to stay the course and overcome our unuseful beliefs, nothing will ever change. This is very easily said. Implementing it takes a lot of energy, add to that the ever-increasing demands of our daily lives and now we understand why only 19% of people ever achieve their goals and dreams. We make decisions with our conscious minds. This mind provides Power, however, it is our subconscious mind that provides the Will. When they work together, then we have Willpower. Now we become unstoppable. We use a combination of Neurolinguistic Programming( NLP) techniques, and energy clearing sessions in our “You Are The Solution” ®Program to help our clients remove beliefs that do not help their purpose, then we work with them to implement new, effective programs, that will ultimately allow them to become their best selves and obtain their goals and objectives in an easier manner. We help people get results.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

First, define what does success means to you. We all have our unique purpose and desires. Maybe for you, success is having a family of your own, maybe it is having a certain amount in the bank, being a leader in your community, having your own business, or becoming the General Manager of your organization, etc. By obtaining clarity about ourselves we can expedite the results.

Someone said that if you do not know where you are going you are already there, right? Being clear about what we want is THE most important step. A Clear vision will provide a sense of direction, will keep us motivated when the inevitable setbacks find our way, and will fuel our decision-making process.

Second, decide the price you are willing to pay to get what you want.

Sometimes it is time, sometimes money; most of the time the price will require for us to become somebody entirely different from our present selves.
Embrace change.

Learn to love failure.

Enjoy the process.

Study and Learn from successful people.

Get a Mentor or Coach. A Good Coach can see what you are really capable of and help you get you there faster.
Get a support team. Friends and family sometimes could resent this new You and will do anything, albeit with the best intentions, to bring you back to your “old self”. If you are lucky enough and your friends and family are your best cheerleaders, show them your gratitude by supporting them back.

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

So many things!

It means I am able to help others in their journey thru life. It means I wake up every morning loving my life, eager and ready to see what is in store for me that day. It means I can support my favorite charities with my time and money and not feel I am taking either away from my family.

Success is the look in my dog’s eyes; his excitement in anticipation of our daily adventures.

In one sentence, Success means never taking anything in life for granted, working, loving, and enjoying my life every day like it could be my last.

What’s next for you?

I am concentrating on my coaching program, writing my memoir, a novel, and a couple of children’s books. I believe in constant change, so I am also working on a special program for teens. It is important to teach them these principles at a young age. Our school system does not pay particular attention to individual and personal development. The system concentrates on helping us accumulate facts that allow us to integrate as productive members of society by using our brain, not the understanding and control of our biggest asset, our mind. We must work with both. One cannot function at its best without the other. When we see conflicts within the individual, it stems from a difference of objectives. One part ( the brain)wants to act or function in a given way and the other one ( the mind) interferes by steering the action in a completely different way.

If we are able to teach our youngsters how to access and work with their minds, success, satisfaction, and achievements are inevitable.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.

By going to my website

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