Today we’d like to introduce you to Brit Tafoya.

It’s an honor to speak with you today. Why don’t you give us some details about you and your story. How did you get to where you are today?

I’m a mom of 3 girls who did not know how to have a healthy relationship with food growing up. I struggled with my weight & knowing how to eat healthy and take care of my body all through adolescents to the age of 25. When my oldest was 7 years old I began realizing how my unhealthy habits weren’t just about food or wanting to be thin, but it was much deeper and would need a complete transformation. I wanted to create an environment for my child where wellness mattered, not just being thin or waiting to have health issues. Shortly after beginning to make small changes with my habits, I discovered I was pregnant with twin girls, and that truly prompted me to commit to the transformation of healing my relationship with food & my body. I gained 85lbs during that pregnancy and lost every single pound in a healthy and natural way-healing root issues that used to keep me perpetuating unhealthy habits in the past. My desire to help women with the same struggles was also born out of that process and now I teach and coach women using the same methods that have created sustainable weight loss in my life for the past 12 years with my personal coaching & Weight Loss Mastery – Life Training program.

I’m sure your success has not come easily. What challenges have you had to overcome along the way?

In building a practice where you are the forefront & billboard of your message the constant challenge will be yourself. For me that showed up in many different forms such as mom guilt, comparison, time management, and learning how to be consistent even when life throws uncertainty. Every working woman I know deals with the back-and-forth mind drama that has been rooted in us from the “societal norms” but once I realized I could have the family, the practice, the health- I began showing up for myself without apology. I’ve dedicated myself to cultivating the Weight Warrior Woman brand and embodying not only what I teach in health & wellness transformation, but what it is to allow yourself to have what you truly desire in life. Only we can get in our own way- with our thoughts, habits, and old self-concepts. As a weight loss personal development coach, I see firsthand how WE are our biggest challenge. Most of what’s going on inside of a person who has weight/food/body image issues is manifested from un-serving thoughts that we carry all day long. My own challenges have helped me form a weight loss practice that serves the everyday woman in not only transforming her body & health, but her mind- so she can go on and do more great things in her life.

Let’s talk about the work you do. What do you specialize in and why should someone work with you over the competition?

I specialize in helping women win the weight battle; hence-The Weight War Coach. I realize that women have it very different than men when it comes to daily demands, and we NEED more. We need inner work to fix issues that have plagued us since early childhood, we need connection and understanding when working on our bodies, we need a method that can easily be applied in our busy daily life- that feels good, healthy, and natural and keeps us from that “old diet sacrifice” thinking. Dealing with my own weight issues have taught me how a weight loss transformation experience can be a catalyst to growth in all areas of life- It’s a very sacred thing to heal parts of you that have hindered your life for so long. As a coach to women & moms I pride myself in knowing that their transformation is going to spill over into their families’ lives creating a domino effect of generational healing.

What’s your best piece of advice for readers who desire to find success in their life?

My best advice would be to keep searching; But don’t search outside yourself, go within-you have all the answers if you’d make time to listen. Every area of success is built on growth. That’s why it’s imperative to fix things that aren’t serving your growth… that’s truly the work. For many years success for me was not to binge eat or overeat after a stressful day. I was able to build upon that success once I grew in that area and had success with dealing with my feelings and creating new coping mechanisms. Doing that work helps you trust yourself and empowers you in choosing the next thing to fix/heal. As a faith-filled believer in God, I’m constantly staying anchored in the truth of the word. I know that anything that isn’t giving me life is not a means to build on. With that constant knowing in my heart, I’ve been able to allow myself true success and go to war with the old self-concepts that say otherwise. Working with a coach that specializes in the specific areas you want growth in, will help you create a new environment where you see yourself becoming who you want to be. Transformation is a beautiful process once embraced. It’s the back and forth in our minds that creates turmoil (the old self-concepts).

Speaking of success, what does the word mean to you?

Success for me is always going to mean GROWTH. There’s always a way to feel and have success. Leaning into the areas of my life that need growing is a forever practice that was introduced to me in my weight loss journey. I’m better & healthier for that growth; and that growth has shown me the other areas in my life, I can also have success in.

What’s next for you?

I have an upcoming Losing Weight without Willpower masterclass, which is going to show women how to stop making weight loss & creating healthy habits hard on themselves. I’m also currently building out the Weight Loss Mastery-Life Training Program experience to make it something special for the women that come to me for weight loss transformation coaching. It’s been a priority of mine to create an environment where women have everything, they need to transform their weight/food/body issues to something that empowers the depths of their lives and to be fully supported in doing so.

Finally, how can people connect with you if they want to learn more.

To learn about my coaching please visit To hang out with me on social media To listen to my podcast – that is all about getting to the root of your weight issues

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